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ArtStock Studio Tour is seeking volunteers to help with our 2023 Tour and make it the best yet.  You should be an innovative thinker and interested in helping us and our artists. ArtStock Studio is a unique educational opportunity for the public to witness art in the making, learn about media, and materials as well as the business of the creative endeavor.  Through this interaction, ArtStock Studio Tour helps local artists to thrive, engage, and fosters a community that values their art.

Volunteer Opportunities Available

We are going to need a few Gallery Volunteers at Revolution Mill from Monday October 16 through the close of the show October 22

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (October 16-18th) you will be assisting the Gallery Manager collecting, tagging, and hanging our Artists works in the Gallery

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday you will be at the gallery to greet the public, answer questions about the Open Tour, handing out Maps, show how to get to the website and where they can find information about the artists.

We will have 4 hr shifts. Please let us know what you would like to do and what day/time you will be available.

We need a few Volunteers Location Guides at our collaborative locations (Sterburger Art Center, 205 Collective) on Saturday, and Sunday to greet the public, answer questions about the Open Tour, handing out Maps, show how to get to the website and where they can find information about the artists.

We will have 4 hr shifts. Please let us know what you would like to do and what day/time you will be available.